Friday, April 17, 2015

Matthew Harper does not push to repeal AB 60 drivers licenses for illegal aliens, pushes easy street bill to repeal the 2014 plastic bag ban ahead of a 2016 ballot initiative to stop the ban, Harper ignores Calif. water need issues ...

Harper bugs out !

Harper does not push to repeal AB 60 drivers licenses for illegal
aliens, pushes easy street bill to repeal the 2014 plastic bag ban
ahead of a 2016 ballot initiative to stop the ban, Harper ignores
Calif. water need issues, drought continues ...

More PAP, more fruitless irresponsibility at taxpayers expense!
Illegal aliens still run rampant driving without drivers licenses !

KCAL channel report  in 2014: 14,000 hit and runs in the
Los Angeles area in 2014!

Your State is in a state of ruin !  Taxpayers being robbed
by illegal alien foreigners because of  Assemblyman Matthew Harper
and other elected California politician's refusal to promote and
do what is needed to protect you.


  1. contact me at I am an advocate for Americans - I want a WALL, JOBS, SAFE America, repeal AB 60 etc.. I have written all about these issues. Harper feels that plastic bags and red light cameras is far more important than California's citizens and their rights and the rights of our Veterans first.

  2. contact me at I am an advocate for Americans - I want a WALL, JOBS, SAFE America, repeal AB 60 etc.. I have written all about these issues. Harper feels that plastic bags and red light cameras is far more important than California's citizens and their rights and the rights of our Veterans first.
