Saturday, August 23, 2014

as Huntington Beach school board member, Matthew Harper applauded the idea that "Immgration is a Federal Issue", and now we have AB 60 ...

So, as Huntington Beach school board member, 

Matthew Harper applauded the idea that 

"Immgration is a Federal Issue", and now we 

have AB 60 ...

We now have drivers licenses for illegal aliens, to take place beginning
Jan. 2015 thanks to people like Matthew Harper who as a Huntington
Beach School board member in the late 90's applauded when an assembly
member at a public invited meeting on education in the state of California told
an audience that " Immigration is a Federal Issue."

Yes, on Jan. 1, 2015, illegal aliens will be getting drivers licenses
due to AB 60, the bill signed by Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown after
his Democrat majority Assembly passed the bill in the Fall of 2013.

To top in off, Matthew Harper does not mention on his website for
Assembly any displeasure whatsoever about AB 60, nor any desire to
work to repeal the law.

Friday, August 15, 2014

When stuck in Yer' social bubble, one can make O' bit O' trouble, Fer' a' blind a' we become, to the tree of truth B' round us and a fib become a part oer' us! '- Lymeric spoken sprightly, in an Irish gleeful accent!

When stuck in Yer' social bubble, 

One can make O' bit O' trouble, 

Fer' a' blind a' we become,

To the tree of truth B' round us,

and a fib become part Oer' us!

- Limerick spoken sprightly in an 
Irish gleeful accent! 

noun: limerick; plural noun: limericks
  1. a humorous, frequently bawdy, verse of three long 
    and two short lines rhyming aabba, popularized by 
    Edward Lear.

Limerick (poetry) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A limerick is a form of poetry, especially one in five-line 
anapestic meter with a strict rhyme scheme (AABBA), which 
is sometimes obscene with humorous intent. The first, second 
and fifth lines are usually longer than the third and fourth.

Matthew Harper fellow school board member tells Conservative activist blogger in 2010:

Matthew Harper fellow Huntington Beach
school board member tells this Conservative 
activist/ blogger in 2010 that school board 
members can use the school board position 
as a forum to speak out against illegal 
alienism's cost to schools and that:

As a Huntington Beach school board member 
Matthew Harper never spoke against cost to 
citizens taxes of illegal alien overcrowding 
of Southland schools, yet Matthew Harper 
voted no to building Ocean View High school 
swimming pool in 2010, which eventually 
was built, and needed to be built in spite of 
Matthew Harper's NO vote...

Don't vote Matthew Harper for 74 th Assembly.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mayor Harper has been in public office in Huntington Beach since 1998, as many have. Has he figured out the culprit yet? If not, why not? On April 17, 2014, CBS reported 3rd cyclist killed in Huntington Beach in 4 months. WHY is it happening? Speed limits too high in Huntington?

Why are speed limits still so high in Huntington Beach after all these years?
Mayor Matthew Harper had been a Huntington Beach city council member
since 2010 and Huntington resident for many years, like many others, and in
public office since 1998. Has he figured out the major culprit yet? On
April 17, 2014, CBS reported 3rd cyclist killed in Huntington Beach in 4
months. WHY is it happening?
Suggestion for the possible answer:
Speed limits too high in Huntington Beach ! If this blogger can see it, why
do public officials seem to not do enough about it? In a bicycle lane
city like Huntington Beach?

Do they see it, and what are they doing about it to lower the speed limits?
What has Harper (or anyone in public office) done about it, if anything?

Anyone who has driven in Huntington knows that the speed limit is
TOO HIGH on many streets, even in school areas and on many of the main streets that
run through Huntington east of Beach blvd. such as:
1) The intersection Bushard and Indianapolis Ave., where
accidents have regularly occurred.
2) Bushard St.
3) Newland St.
4) Atlantic Ave.
5) Magnolia Ave.
6) PCH
7) Gothard East of Beach Blvd.
8) Garfield Ave. East of Beach Blvd.
9) Adams Ave. East of Beach Blvd.
10) Brookhurst Ave.
11) Beach Blvd. ( 50 mph between
Gothard and PCH!)

Surely there are more that others can think of.

At tonight's 'Feet To The Fire' event, THE ISSUE was how much they have raised, Harper disrespects panelist and the ISSUE, embarrassed by lack of support? Why else would Harper falsely accuses panel member of not getting to the ISSUES when panelist addresses the ISSUE of how much each has raised?

 Thurs. 8/14/14
~ THE ISSUE was how much they have raised, Matthew Harper falsely
accuses panelist of not getting to the ISSUES ~ PUG,0,7689462.story
Link from the Huntington Independent ...

' Off the bat, Venezia asked the candidates how much they've raised —
independent of money they donated to their own campaigns. Curry solidly
led the pack with about $250,000, followed by Patrascu with some $100,000,
Harper with between $30,000 and $50,000, Ali with $20,000 to $25,000
and Onofre with about $11,000.Harper, a Republican, said he objected to
the question."I think it's about the issues," he said. "I prefer that we get to
the issues."Curry, a Republican, contended that his war chest demonstrated
the breadth of community support. '

Have you ever heard Matthew Harper tell a falsehood? It's not the first ...

So, as Huntington Beach school board member, Matthew Harper applauded the idea that " Immgration is a Federal Issue ..", and now we have AB 60 ...

We now have drivers licenses for illegal aliens, to take place beginning
Jan. 2015 thanks to people like Matthew Harper who as a Huntington
Beach School board member in the late 90's applauded when an assembly
member at a public invited meeting on education in the state of California told
an audience that " Immigration is a Federal Issue."

Yes, on Jan. 1, 2015, illegal aliens will be getting drivers licenses
due to AB 60, the bill signed by Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown after
his Democrat majority Assembly passed the bill in the Fall of 2013.

To top in off, Matthew Harper does not mention on his website for
Assembly any displeasure whatsoever about AB 60, nor any desire to
work to repeal the law.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Did you know that Matthew Haper voted NO to needed school funds when new classrooms needed to be built because of MOLD ...

Yes, Matthew Harper, as a 
Huntington Beach school board member, 
voted NO to needed school funds when 
new classrooms needed to be built
because classrooms had MOLD  ...

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Don't vote Matthew Harper 74 th Assembly 2014- A story related to the author of this post by Matthew Harper's fellow Huntington Beach school board member: Matthew Harper voted down the swimming pool for Ocean View High School, when pool is finally built and opens, others jump in the pool to celebrate, Harper also jumps in pool and splashes around after it's built ...

A story related to the author of this post by Matthew Harper's
fellow Huntington Beach school board member:

When Matthew Harper was a Huntington Beach School board
member, Matthew Harper voted NO the swimming pool for
Ocean View High School, and when it was finally built and  opened,
others jump in the pool to celebrate, Harper jumps in pool and
splashed around after it's built ... this after voting NO to the pool.

In fact this fellow school board member mentioned that Harper's
record was to always say no to everything the board had to vote
on. Reasonable and prudent ? Hmmm ...

Schools do have their reasonable need.

Also Huntington beach teacher's PAC staff complained to the author
of this post that Harper was still living at home, not on his own,
when Harper was a school board member.

UNION PAC relating the story Harper age at home story or not,
this all adds up, as the Conservative author of this post says,
Don't vote Matthew Harper 74 th Assembly.

Interesting: No mention on Matthew Harpe's race for assembly that he would work to get AB 60, (Gov. Democrat Jerry Brown's and Democrat legislature's driver's licenses for illegal aliens) repealed ...

Interesting: No mention on Matthew Harper's race for 74 th assembly
that he would work to get AB 60, (Gov. Democrat Jerry Brown's and
Democrat legislature's driver's licenses for illegal aliens)  repealed ...

That's another reason not to vote for Matthew Harper for 74 th assembly,
in addition to the fact Harper makes no mention that he would work to
repeal the transgenders in school bathrooms bill AB 1266 that the CA
Democrat legislature and Gov. Jerry Brown passed.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

So Harper committed to trying to get elected to higher office rather than committed to serving? With Harper, it's LOL after LOL !

So Matthew Harper committed to trying to get elected to
higher office rather than committed to serving? With Harper,
it's LOL after LOL !

Firts, Harper abandoned his bid in early 2012 to run for State
Assembly, after starting his bid to run after only serving two
years of a four year term as a Huntington Beach City Council
member. HUH ? !

Now, as a local news article reported on Dec. 20, 2013,
Harper abandons his bid to run as an O.C. Supervisor to run for
the 74th CCA Assembly District race.

Hmmm ... is the desire for position showing a rather questionable
and amateurish streak here?

It appears so.