Wednesday, February 4, 2015

News, on A.M. radio 2/4/15,Wed. - Assemblyman Matthew Harper introduces bill to repeal AB 27 Plastic shopping bag ban, but where's his bill to repeal AB 60 ? And AB 109?

News, on A.M. radio 2/4/15,Wed. 
- Assemblyman Matthew Harper
introduces bill to repeal AB 27 Plastic 
shopping bag ban, but where's his bill 
to the drivers licenses for illegal aliens 
bill AB 60 ? Or a bill to repeal AB 109, 
the 'Criminal Prison Realignment Early 
Release' bill.

It's the same old absurd and irresponsible 
Harper position: Immigration is a Federal 
issue. No it is not ONLY a Federal issue.
The California Democrat legislature 
passing, and Democrat Governor 
Jerry Brown signing AB 60 drivers licenses 
for illegal aliens in September 2014 proves it. 
Harper and any other candidates/ incumbents
cannot escape this fact: IMMIGRATION IS 
STATE issue and must be dealt with 

Demand from your elected California 
State Republicans (and of the Democrats) 
Republican  that they repeal AB 60 drivers 
licenses for illegal aliens AND the CRIME 
INCREASE CAUSING AB 109 'Early release 
of criminals' bill. Los Angeles Times 2013:
Early release bill connected to crime increase 
in California.

Note: This bill was passed by Democrats 
majority and signed by Democrat 
Gov. Jerry Brown and has caused crime to 

To the Republican voter : Some elected 
Republicans do their best to do their job 
for you, and some don't. You are a faithful 
Republican/ Conservative.You pay for 
the salary of your elected Republicans!
With calm and collected resolve harrange 
and verbally shame evasive office holders 
in public until they do their job!  Don't put up 
with their manuscha !

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