Monday, April 28, 2014

What is Huntington Beach Mayor Matthew Harper's position on this? Shortly after Democrat radical Jerry Brown was sworn in as Governor on Jan. 3, 2011, he announced plans to take cities revenue to use for State purposes ...

What is Huntington Beach Mayor Matthew Harper's 
position on this? In 2008, a study showed that California 
pays out over $ 10 Billion a year to illegal aliens.
In 2008, a report on the underground economy aired by 
talk host Michael Savage showed that illegal aliens took 
far more from the California system than they gave in. 
In addition, one Los Angeles Supervisor revealed that 
Los Angeles paid out $400 million to illegal aliens that 
year alone.

What is Matthew Harper's position? Shortly after Democrat 
radical Jerry Brown was sworn in as Governor on Jan. 3, 2011, 
he announced plans to take California city's revenue to use
for State purposes ...   

and " Brown is working on a budget that would shift many government programs from the state to the local level, a 
reversal of trends from his first tenure as governor." 

In addition, Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a bill
allowing drivers licenses for illegal aliens.